Monday, December 31, 2012

How to: Brew Your Own Iced Tea

I know what you are thinking: This lady is crazy, she thinks we can't make iced tea. Let me reassure you that I have the utmost confidence in your abilities, but a refresher on the basics can't hurt. During the Whole 30 process it is critical to have unsweetened beverages on hand at all times to both quench your thirst and to keep you from the temptation of the soda machine. It is also important to make tea that you like so you will actually drink it. While green tea may be touted as "more healthy" than traditional black teas, I personally can't stand the taste of it and ended up giving away the green tea box to a friend who likes it.

This may sound like blasphemy coming from a Southerner, but unsweet tea with lemon is my absolute favorite beverage to sip on now, with water with lemon coming in a very close second. A former avid Coke Zero/Diet Coke drinker, I can attest that the tea and water will keep you hydrated and feeling better throughout the day. There's something comforting about not drinking chemicals you can't pronounce.

What you will need:
  • a large soup pot (enough to hold at least a gallon of water)
  • a gallon container and/or 2 half gallon containers to store your tea
  • ice (plan ahead if you don't have an ice maker like me!)
  • your favorite tea bags
  • Gallon of water to boil
  • 1 large Tazo iced tea bag OR 2 small Tazo iced tea bags or 3 Luzianne tea bags

I prefer Tazo teas for my flavored teas and good old Luzianne for traditional black iced tea. Yesterday I made my teas for the week, which happened to be Tazo's Passion Tea and Tazo's Refresh tea. Passion is caffeinated and has a pink tint with a sweet flavor, Refresh is not caffeinated and is a mint tea (spearmint and peppermint) that I drink with dinner and at night to help relax before bed. Tazo also makes larger tea bags for iced tea, but the smaller bags work just as well. You just have to use more of them. I've found that two small tea bags is the equivalent of one of the larger tea bags. Here's what they look like:

My cat never wants to miss out on part of the action. He's quickly becoming the Daily Chomp's mascot.

I also recommend going to Target or your preferred store and investing in a few different pitchers/portable containers to house your tea and to bring it to work with you.  You can even color code it like I do (Green for mint tea, pink for Passion tea, orange for black tea). Most of these containers can be found on clearance for about $1.49. All of mine are Rubbermaid and they are very durable and convenient.

  • Fill your pot up with water and bring it to a boil. 
  • While you are waiting, fill your container(s) up with ice.
  • Once the water is boiling, add tea bag(s) and let steep for three (3) minutes while water is still boiling.
  • Pour tea over ice in container(s), then chill in the refrigerator until ready to drink.
  • Garnish with lemons, limes or oranges (to taste). 
Even after you pour the tea over the ice in the containers, it will be warm. If you want to enjoy the tea right after brewing, get another tall glass full of ice and enjoy.  

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