Monday, December 31, 2012

How to: Spice and Shred Chicken

Chicken is often the "go-to" protein for most people. It can also get real boring, real quick. Sauces aren't really an option on the Whole 30 as most have sugar and/or high fructose corn syrup/other sugar like substances. I found a version of this on Pinterest and modified it a bit to taste. This really gives your chicken a delicious kick and tastes fabulous on a bed of baby spinach or in some hearts of romaine. I usually sneak some while cooking but restrained myself for you, dear readers, I resisted!

Here's what you will need:

  • A large frying pan, oven-safe, with a lid
  • 2 large plates
  • A measuring cup 
  • 2 forks
  • A sharp knife
  • 4 chicken breasts (with or without tenderloins)
  • Approximately 1 teaspoon of sea salt
  • Approximately 1 teaspoon of fresh ground pepper
  • Approximately 1 teaspoon of Lemon Pepper
  • Approximately 1 teaspoon of garlic powder
  •  About 1/2 cup of olive oil

First, pour the olive oil into the frying pan and heat it up. I estimated the 1/2 cup, so make sure there's enough that you will be able to quick-fry your chicken. Also, preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

While the oil is heating, measure out each of the spices and put into the measuring cup.

 Mix up all the spices until blended well--be careful not to shake them out of the cup!

Rinse your chicken and place on a plate.I also like to pull the tenderloins off and make sure the chicken breasts are properly fileted. 6 years of working at Chick-fil-A will do that to you. 

 Use half of the spice mixture to coat the chicken. You'll have to get your hands dirty and rub the spices in evenly. Use the fork to flip the chicken and repeat with the other half of the spice mixture.

Once the oil is hot, carefully place the chicken in the frying pan. PLEASE be careful as the oil will pop as you place the chicken in it. 

 Quick fry each side for approximately 3-4 minutes. After each side is fried, cover with a lid or with foil and bake for 25 minutes (or until the chicken's juices run clear) in the same pan/oil as you used to fry.

 Place the tenderloins into a small, microwave container. You now have lunch meat for tomorrow! If you can't resist, eat it for a snack/dinner while it is hot. It is divine, trust me!

Let the chicken stand for at least 10 minutes. Now it is time to shred! Use a sharp knife and a new plate and fork to cut the chicken into smaller pieces. 

This is what one chicken breast will look like once it is completely shredded. 

Again, make sure you place your shredded chicken into microwave safe containers. This way, you can take it to work and warm it up before placing it on your greens. It is also delicious cold if you don't have a microwave available to you. 

The spiced shredded chicken is also great in buffalo chicken dip. However, since we are Whole 30 focused at the moment, I will post that in February, right before the Super Bowl.

Remember, you are what you eat eats. So, if your chicken is stressed out, caged up and eating other chicken/animal parts it's probably not going to taste good or be as nutritious to you as you would like it to be. One of my favorite quotes/paraphrases from the book is "Pay the grocer/farmer now or the doctor later." Invest in the cage-free, vegetarian-fed, antibiotic-free chicken whenever possible. Your taste buds (and your insides) will thank you! 

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